modified milk

美 [ˈmɑːdɪfaɪd mɪlk]英 [ˈmɒdɪfaɪd mɪlk]
  • 网络调制乳
modified milkmodified milk
  1. Spinning Technology for Modified Milk Protein Fiber


  2. Therefore , the effect of modified milk on reducing lipid and obesity of male Kunming mice was showed .


  3. Modified milk protein fiber products are well accepted by consumers for their unique properties such as good rinsibility , quick drying , good durability and wear-comfort .


  4. We won 't sell genetically modified American milk products here in New Zealand because our consumers don 't want them .


  5. Their modified chocolate milk contains 16 grams of protein and 230 calories per eight-ounce serving .


  6. Our modified cow milk contains several major properties of human milk , in particular proteins and antibodies which we believe are good for our health and able to improve our immune system .


  7. Study on modified infant formula milk
